Job Coach Training
This training is specifically designed for those in the field who are providing job coaching. This training ensures that job coaches have the knowledge and tools available to support a person with a disability at that person’s work site. Content of the training includes:
-Role of a job coach
-Communication skills
-Task analysis
-Fading and building natural supports
Autism Strategies for Employment Success
This training provides autism-specific information and strategies that can be implemented at the work site. This training provides evidence-based practices that ensure employment success for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Content of this training includes:
-ASD characteristics
-Learning strategies
-Communication strategies
-Sensory skills
-Social skills
-Visual strategies
Building a Dream: Making it Yours! – Person Centered Planning and Dream Night Training
This training will provide the audience with an overview of person centered planning, how to get involvement from focus individuals and their support team, and a step-by-step walkthrough on how to conduct a “Dream Night” using an adapted version of the Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) process. Content of this training includes:
-What is a Person Centered Plan?
-Various PCP models
-PCP Resources
-What is a “Dream Night”?
-Discussion of each step in the PATH PCP process
-Potential challenges
Other Training
ASPPIRE also offers customized training to meet an organization’s specific needs.
-Para-professional and support staff
-Diversity training
-Independent living skills
-Autism strategies
-Transition services
-Parent and care provider trainings